Jewish Involvement in Immigration and Anti Free Speech Legislation – France

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In France the Jewish organization LICRA and CRIF which represents the Jews of France which are the driving forces in the promotion of hate speech legislation.

bremont Alfredo‘s insight:

Gayssot Act

The present ridiculous law in France which make it a punishable offense to even argue in favor of free historical research; the so called ‘Loi Gayssot’ (Gayssot Act)have been created according to Jewish wishes, pushed for by Jewish academics, likePierre Vidal-Naquet, and some Jewish propagandists, like Serge Klarsfeld andGeorges Wellers. The proces was supervised by Chief Rabbi René Samuel Sirat, proposed by the communist Parliament member Jean Claude Gayssot [not Jewish]and passed by the Jewish former Prime Minister Laurent Fabius, resulting in the infamous Fabius-Gayssot Act of July 13, 1990.

Before the law was passed, ‘anti-Semitic incidents’ conveniently surfaced in a cemetery in Carpentras where Jewish graves were desecrated, according to a massive propaganda campaign, ‘inspired by revisionist writings’.

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