PressTV – US, Zionists waging genocidal war against Muslims: Kevin Barrett

The US and Zionist regime have pushed a genocidal war on Islam, targeting Muslims across the world, says Kevin Barrett.

via PressTV – US, Zionists waging genocidal war against Muslims: Kevin Barrett.

this cometary is revealing, danial pipes is in somewhere estrange world, Israel will always be an illegitimate state. but the problem is that the whole thing looks quite strange as if there is no head on the events, reasons is kind of illogical, strange, america is the land of the coming civil war not a paradisaical, but who is in control, it looks as if there is any controlling anything it is not in Washington or Tehran, neither in Moscow or Paris or Beijing. so who is driving minds into a position of unreasonable conclusions and believes in fantasy. i do not think is the elites, the government or even illuminates, it looks as if something when wrong at some point and the disintegration is unstoppable.! however what when wrong is the issue and the question to ask. it could have being from 9/11, the change of the century, or the sun or planets but definitely things are no longer normal and it seems it is not human the cause of minds going bunkers but something else some kind of electromagnetic reactions in our concepts and neural behaviour. and humans do not have that kind of knowledge. perception is completely of key, as if people were seeing one reality and the reality is in fact quite another-one, like an illusion a veil has covers most humans eyes and they can no longer distinguish reality from fiction in what concerns them

so find out.

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